Friday, May 8, 2015

Boulevard Park Construction: A Necessary Nuisance

Looking out over Bellingham Bay, a popular waterfront park bustles with activity. Everywhere you look, people are playing, running, biking or relaxing—and they are all maneuvering around the large, fenced-off center of Boulevard Park.
In mid-April, a three-month construction project began to replace two failing sewer pumps at Boulevard Park according to the City of Bellingham Public Works project website. The project requires excavation and removal procedures according to the website. As a result, a long strip of the park from the outdoor stage down to the Woods Coffee has been fenced off.
On one side of the fence, next to the parking lot, Boulevard Park’s only playground sits in an alcove, surrounded by construction.
“If they have to do it, we just have to work with it,” Joni Park said, watching her grandchildren run around on the playground. She said she commutes from out in the county to come to Boulevard Park with her family. She is one of many inconvenienced by the construction but by not enough to avoid the park.
“If they had a gate to get through,” Park said, “it’d make it a little bit more convenient to get to the beach from this little playground.”
The only way to get to Boulevard’s waterfront side is to walk to the ends of the park and around the fenced area. Park said she hoped parents and children would be on one side at the same time in case anyone got hurt because it would take too long to get around the fence to someone.
The construction area has cut through a large portion of Boulevard’s grassy, open space and the view from either side of the fence has been obstructed. Children’s games of soccer and Frisbee have been pushed out to edges of the park to the remaining open areas that sit between trees and on the shoreline.
Even with the lack of a large open space, Boulevard Park still remains one of Bellingham’s most popular destinations. Project signs posted around the park boast of around 500,000 yearly visitors.
“This community is so amazing,” another park-goer, Jane Montague said. Montague grew up on the East Coast before moving to Bellingham. “There are a lot of parks and a lot of water access here,” Montague said. She said she believes that it is very important to have parks because kids need a place to play and climb around.
“When you know why it has to be, it’s a good cause,” Montague said. She said she agrees that the replacement of the sewer pumps is a necessary inconvenience.
This rehabilitation project will “insure the serviceability and reliability of the wastewater systems for current and future park visitors,” explains on of the city’s information signs posted in the park.
A group of students practicing on a slack line tied between two trees said they wished there could be a year without construction.
“It’s lame because it’s this, this year and the beach last year,” Mel Vautaux said. She explained that she and her friends come to Boulevard often and it seems like there has been constant construction.
This is the second major project that has occurred in the last few years. In 2013, construction on the shoreline began in order to minimize erosion and to create beach access according to the City of Bellingham’s project website. Landscaping that lasted into 2014 make this the third year in a row that park access has been limited.
Another one of the students, Derek Smith said the construction “definitely makes the park feel smaller and you can’t look straight out to the water.”
Even with the disruption, on a sunny day, people flock to the park and manage to work around the construction. On Saturday, Apr. 25, high school students on their way to prom wandered around the park. Avoiding the construction, they made the walk around the fence in dress shoes and high heels and snapped pictures in front of the sunset over the bay.

Boulevard Park Sewer Improvements
Boulevard Park Shoreline Improvements

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